Pandu Mirchi Tomato Pickle In Vizag

  • Pasitarti su pardavėju
  • Publikavimo data: 2023/03/28
    • Marijampolės apskritys, Lietuva

Order Veg & Non-Veg Pickles, Powders, Masalas, Instant Mix and Snacks online at the lowest price. Bhimavaram Pickles is one stop store that sells homemade products using authentic, traditional recipes from Bhimavaram in Andhra Pradesh with a Vision of 'Engaging and developing Women. Bhimavaram is a small town in Andhra Pradesh and the birthplace of pickles. Bhimavaram pickles are well known for unique taste's and flavour keeping Family Healthy.
We are inspired from our earlier generations where the whole family remained together and ate together. Food was one of the major binding factor in a Family. Bhimavaram Food is always Authentic, Clean and made from Fresh Ingredients with emotional connect and happiness!! We prepare Good Food with Great Memories binding families.
Buy Now & Get Delivered To Your Door-Step. Made From Fresh Ingredients and Packed with Air-tight which doesn't Leak.

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